A decent introduction to Raspberry Pis. I got a Raspberry Pi to see if I could have some experiments with electronics and share them with my kids. I had a little bit of a delay getting started as I realised after trying to turn it on I needed a different HDMI cable and also an SD card to burn the OS onto. I actually burned the OS onto a flash drive (as I didn't have an SD coverter to plug into a laptop), and it's crazy the difference in speed between loading the OS on a flash drive vs a dedicated SD card. Definitely use SD cards.
Anyway back to the book rather than my experiments. The book is decent. I skipped ahead on alot of familiar turf for me. It did encourage me to get an Arduino as well and potentially use the Raspberry Pi to program the Arduino. What I'll basically use the Pi for is as an extra desktop computer as it's powerful enough for that and perhaps some storage and general scripted tasks I want to run in the background and leave on.